Twitch: Due to tax evasion? Mass
If your favorite Twitch streamer comes from the Middle East, chances are currently high that it was banned. Because Twitch has a mass spell made of such wide extent has that are suspended most streamers from the region currently temporarily. As with all bans the streaming platform either no or only very vague reasons for the suspension indicates. For a spell wave in such a big way Twitch will be but may soon be forced to an official statement. It is speculated that the tax streamers could be a reason.
problems with payouts
At the end of February 2022 reported streamers from the Middle East that there are problems with receiving payments via Twitch. Several streamers have the platform contacted about the problem and all have received the same answer. Twitch said the payment issue was "due a discrepancy with certain control information that were specified during the onboarding process" on.
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On 10 März2022 Streamerbans started on Twitter by a large number of affected to report streamers that have been temporarily suspended from the platform. What was initially considered a fault in the system of the Twitter channel, but has now come true. Twitch has the most streamers from the Middle East temporarily removed by mass spell of the platform.
To respond to the banned Streamer
Shortly after the mass bans, many streamers reported on Twitter to speak and expressed their displeasure with what happened. Twitch streamer Drazy had before the ban more than 13,000 followers on his channel, and was one of the first who expressed his feelings on Twitter expressed.
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"It's not a game, to block most Twitch streamer from the Middle East to resolve without the exact reasons, or at least read our e-mails with the solutions to the problem. Do not twitch Support to have the Middle East, is still worse." he writes in his tweet.
iShark187 has posted a screenshot of the e-mail that he has received for his blocking and which states that the blocking is due to a "violation of the community guidelines." In the translated Tweet states: "It is enough that they have stopped the money in the world for almost two months now And it's 3 days !!!."
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Having recently all streamers in Russia have lost over Twitch indefinitely their livelihood, even streamers from the Middle East are now affected policy Twitch from.
As mentioned, it is this time questionable whether Twitch can continue with his silence tactic in this case, or whether the streaming platform under the flag of Amazon soon the real reasons for the mass bans must disclose. What think you behind it? We are looking forward to your thoughts in the comments.
Source | dexerto
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