WoW WotLK Classic: Bilder vom Launch 2008

With around 12 million subscriptions, Wrath of the Lich King marks the highlight of World of Warcraft's success story. This is due to the continuation of the story around the fallen Paladin Arthas Menethil, which started in the Warcraft 3 RTS series, and on the other hand at the balance of the game systems as well as the legendary RAIDs Ulduar and Ice Cream Citadel. The "retro" entry with Naxxramas was well placed and very successful.

Never had the feeling that - as usual - content is artificially drawn in length to save development costs and push online times - the game was a self-runner. Several hours, for example, had to farms who raise the time-relenter protodrates in the storm portions and wanted to exhort him his riding. Hardly less time consuming was the camping as a hunter in the Sholazarbench, which housed the first and today's most beautiful ghost caste Loque'nahak. Loque'nahak could conjure up conventionality as a special ability in its original even conventional. Today, all the passé - rather than super-magnetic mounts there is "bares for rares" (Vignettenmobs for everyone / woman) and standardized hunter beams without significant surprises.

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Of course, Wrath of the Lich King was not all vain sunshine. After the grandiose Ulduar raid, for example, the Crusader Raid disappointed as a battle plate with bosses on the assembly line, and the ice crown citadel ran with the released date December 9, 2009 until the Cataclysm-launch on December 7, 2010 too long. On the other hand, Wrath of the Lich King offered a total of 16 dungeons from Nexus to the pit of Saron and 8 Raids from Naxxramas to RubinsAnktum a lot of content and variety. For comparison: The current extension Shadowlands has 8 dungeons and 3 RAIDs at a term of at least 2 years. Also not well arrived is the Tausendwintersee battlefield with its strong focus on vehicles - but the vehicle fight and his crude mechanics are a strain theme anyway.

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How Long is Left Before Wrath of the Lich King Classic?

Wow Wotlk Classic: Death Knight - Starting area Quests (1) [Source: success story]

On Tuesday, 19 April 2022 Blizzard wants to introduce the 10th enlargement "DragonFlight". With a release is certainly not expected before the end of the year, rather in the spring of 2023. Jump to the breach is probably Wotlk Classic, which could be announced at the same time with DragonFlight. For the committee on the upcoming Alpha / Beta to the third part of the classic trilogy, the author has broken through his image archive and picked out a series of original screenshots, among other things to the death knight, who at the time of the first new WOW class, which is still very big today Popularity pleased. Also included are the Kalu'ak with its epic fishing rod, the ice role of Zul'drak, Hemet Nesingwary, the new druid forms, the ghost caste Loque'nahak and of course the time-relenter protodrache. Have fun!

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