Judge orders Kevin Spacey to face demand for accusation of sexual abuse

As will remember, in 2017 an accusation was announced against Kevin Spacey , where the actor of inappropriate behavior with a minor was accused. Now, it was recently announced that this case has not come to an end. Not only does the actor face more positions of his sexual abuse, **

The district judge in Manhattan, Lewis Kaplan, said there was a true dispute of facts about whether Spacey touched by force the intimate parts of Anthony Rapp to gratify his own sexual desire, this in 1994, when the young man had Only 14 years. It has been mentioned that The actor tried to reach a private agreement with Rapp . However, the plaintiff has the support of Judge Kaplan.

According to the judge, it was ruled today that the accusation of sexual assault that includes sexual abuse in third degree can advance. Along with this, Spacey is accused of four positions of sexual assault in the United Kingdom. Three men have affirmed that the actor sexually assaulted young people . Supposedly, the shares occurred in March 2005, August 2008 and April 2013.

When he was questioned about these issues, this was what Kevin Spacey mentioned in an interview with USA Today:

I really appreciate the declaration of the Crown Prosecutor's Office in which they carefully reminded the media and the public that I have the right to a fair and innocent trial until the opposite is demonstrated.

Although I am disappointed with your decision to move forward, I will voluntarily introduce myself in the United Kingdom as soon as you can fix and I will defend these positions, which I trust will try my innocence.


You can learn more about Kevin Spacey's controversy here.


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