These are the games that Digital presented in your event today

As expected, Digital Marketing Countdown to Marketing was... A presentation. On this occasion, the extensive universe created by the Publisher expanded with the integration of Suda51 wick. However, what interests us here are video games, and this time we had a quite interesting selection. **

_ Cult of the Lamb _

The adorable and satanic Rogue-Like premiered trailer focused on his mechanics, combat, and world filled with animals looking to satisfy their blood. Cult of the Lamb_ will arrive at PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X | S, Nintendo Switch and PC on August 11.



Free live, the developers of broforce, are back with a new title. _Anger Foot,Game was originally an exclusive, today presented an improved version, and a trailer was revealed that showed us more of his chaotic gameplay. ANGER FOOT_ will arrive at PC at some point in 2023.


Check in card games is common, but when your tricks are discovered, you have to defend yourself, and only a duel with swords is the solution. Card Shark_ is now available on Nintendo Switch and PC.

_ The Plucky Squire _

Without a doubt, one of the most interesting titles of this presentation. In the Plucky Squire we took control of a character from a book, which decides to abandon the limitations of it, and begins to explore the real world. Apparently in the trailer, we will have several artistic and game styles here _. The Plucky Squire will be available on PS5, Xbox Series X | S, Nintendo Switch and PC at some point of 2023.

_ Skate Story _

The last great game of the event was a skateboard game where we took control of a demon who travels throughout an extensive world looking for the reason for his existence, and on the way he makes a series of quite impressive tricks. Skate Story_ will arrive at PC at some point in 2023.

Editor's note:

From the list of games that were shown, the most striking was the Plucky Squire. His artistic style and the constant change of gameplay positions him to be one of the best indie next year. Next to this, skate story was also very interesting


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