Goal does not want to refer to your staff cuts as layoffs

Every important company in the world has its moments of glory and others not so favorable, and now it seems that Meta is not in the best possible performance. The most feasible test is the layoffs it has had in recent weeks, and although it shows that the staff cut is evident, it seems that the company does not want to admit it.

???? According to medium reports The Wall Street Journal , the company is looking to reduce its expenses by approximately 10%, so the cut would be affecting jobs whose functions are not so essential. This has been called a reorganization more subtle way of saying that they are carrying out a series of layoffs.

It is worth mentioning that one of the main factors to make this reduction of personnel is inflation, which has grown in all types of sectors ranging from technological to entertainment. To this is added that the profits that also came from Ukraine and Russia have been reduced due to the conflicts that still do not cease.

It cannot also be forgotten that Meta receives 98% of their advertising income on the Internet, and now people no longer frequent the ads on Facebook due to extensions that block them. Nor is anyone trusting the links, because recently fake pages were shared that brought them to malware that steals data.

For now, Meta has not come out to speak textually of layoffs.


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